Co-creation with Stakeholders

Basic ideas and policies

In order to realize our Purpose and create and provide new value to society, Resonac is committed to co-creation with our employees, customers, shareholders and investors, local communities and governments, business partners, and the next generation and students. By implementing activities from an inclusive perspective and reflecting constructive dialogue in man-agement, we aim to achieve further growth as a Co-creative Chemical Company.



Co-creation with Shareholders and institutional investors

The Resonac Group regards IR activities as those that help shareholders and investors deepen their understanding of the Group’s corporate management, business activities and strategies, so that they can evaluate the Group’s corporate value in a fair manner. Based on this idea, we are committed to:

  1. (1) Fostering communication with shareholders and investors and increasing our management transparency, and
  2. (2) Disclosing corporate information about the Group in an easy-to-understand, fair, timely and accurate manner to help shareholders and investors deepen their understanding of and trust in the Group.

Co-creation examples

Sustainability Meeting

We create Sustainability Meeting for dialogue on human capital management,evolving our governance, and other topics, through which we openly deliver the current state of our Company,both the good and the bad. This meeting also facilitates dialogue with investors.

Major means of communication

  • Ordinary shareholders' meeting
  • Briefing on financial results
  • Briefing on manageent policies
  • Sustainability Meeting
  • Briefing on our business
  • Small meetings and indivisual meetings
  • Dialogue one ESG-related issues
  • Briefing for indvidual investors

Co-creation with Community and governments

We engage in sincere dialogue with the residents of the communities where we operate to deepen mutual understanding. By leveraging our 'Power of Chemistry,' we collaborate to address issues that contribute to the sustainable development of the local society. Additionally, we strive to earn the trust of the local community and government in the safe and stable operations of our group.

Co-creation examples

Participation in the Ministry of the Environment’s “Decarbonization × Reconstruction Town Development Platform”

In the 12 municipalities of Fukushima Prefecture affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, we are participating in a long-term partnership aimed at achieving both decarbonization and reconstruction. We have three production and logistics bases in Fukushima Prefecture. As such, we will continue to contribute to the reconstruction of disaster-stricken areas, such as by participating in the exchange of information and the establishment of networks to realize the decarbonization and reconstruction of these communities, as well as participating in individual themes that we can contribute to.

Major means of communication

  • Tours of the Group’s facilities
  • CSR Site Report (once a year)
  • Publication of a local PR newsletter
  • Dialogue with local communities
  • Employees’ participation in local activities
  • Provision of special classes at school
  • Sponsorship of community events 
  • Support for local organizations 
  • Disaster relief

Co-creation with Customers

By providing customers with unique products and services that are useful and safe and exceed our customers’ expectations, we are giving satisfaction to our customers and encouraging them to buy our products and services repeatedly.

Co-creation examples

Leading JOINT2, a consortium aimed at developing next-generation semiconductor packaging technology

JOINT2 was launched by 12 participating companies in 2021 with the aim of developing next-generation semiconductor packaging and evaluation technologies through collaboration with other companies. The combination of the member companies’ materials and equipment will allow materials and equipment to be evaluated under conditions similar to the semiconductor evaluation tests conducted by customers, thereby helping to shorten development times.

Major means of communication

  • Information dispatch through news releases
  • Participation in exhibitions
  • Publication of product brochures
  • Dissemination of information through websites, etc. 
  • Plant tours, and others

Co-creation with Business partners

As a matter of course, we are working to earn trust from our business partners when dealing with them and to comply with the Resonac Group’s Sustainable Procurement Guidelines together with them, with an eye to solving environmental and social issues across the supply chain, thereby increasing mutual corporate value.

Major means of communication

Co-creation with employees and their family

As a precondition for the Resonac Group’s growth, we think it is necessary to ensure that employees who are “core players for value creation” can work with vigor to meet society’s needs. Accordingly, we are working to communicate extensively with employees, providing them with workplaces where they can work with satisfaction, and to become an enterprise that they can be proud of. We are also conducting activities to help employees’ families deepen their understanding of the Group, including inviting them on a tour of our facilities.

Co-creation examples

REBLUC(Resonac Blue Creators)

REBLUC is a purpose-driven thinking community that was started to elicit mutual understanding, where the passions and sense of purpose of each and every employee overlap. From April 2024, we also started joint research with JAXA on a cosmic materials project started by REBLUC.

Major means of communication

  • Publication of the in-house magazine (four times a year)
  • Information dispatch through the intranet (updated from time to time)
  • Conduct employee surveys 
  • Arrange dialogues between management and employees (town hall meetings, roundtables, etc.) 
  • Provision of various training opportunities
  • Labor-management discussions (Labor-Management Committee, face-to-face discussion called “commu-cussion” on Responsible Care, and others)
  • Invitation of families on a tour of the facilities, and others
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