RESONAC REPORT 2024(Integrated Report)

We publish an integrated report every year with the hope that our stakeholders will understand in as much detail as possible how we create value based on our purpose of “changing society through the power of chemistry.”
The latest integrated report at this time is as follows.
Interactive version
Full report: Download
Full report: Download
Interactive version: Clicking on the table of contents, the section name at the top of each page, or the related page icon will take you directly to the corresponding page.
Clicking on QR Code and will take you to the related web page or video.
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We introduce the key points of the RESONAC REPORT 2024 and how to navigate it.

01 Who We Are
- Message from the CEO
- Now! Fostering Resonac’s Corportae Culture
- Management:Team Takahashi
- Overview of the Long-Term Vision
- Links to Resonac’s Technology and Society— History
- Global Business Composition /Financial and Non‐financial Highlights
- Overview of Resonac’s Business
- Value Creation Process
- Co-creation with Stakeholders
02 Our Goals and Challenges
- Roundtable Conversation “Earning Power”
- Business Strategies(Semiconductor and Electronic Materials Segment /Mobility Segment/Innovation Enabling Materials Segment/Chemicals Segment)
- Financial and Capital Strategies
- Roundtable Conversation “Technology and People That Generate Profits”
- R&D and Intellectual Property Strategies/Corporate Marketing Strategies/Digital Strategies/Human Resource Strategies
- Earn with Sustainability Message from the CSuO
- Promoting Sustainability
- Material Issues and Non-financial KPIs
- Cross-talk Between the CSuO and On-site Staff in Charge
- Toward the Future - Co-creation with Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture
- Contributing to Society and Customers by Fulfilling Our Purpose through Resonac Pride Products & Services
- Environment/Occupational Health and Safety/Quality Assurance /Chemicals Management/Sustainable Procurement/Respect for Human Rights/Compliance/Enhancement of the Group Management System
- Risk Management/Identifying and Prioritizing “Companywide Key Risks Themes”