Participation in Initiatives
Major initiatives that we support, and the organizations to which we belong as a member
Resonac actively participates in industry associations and initiatives that are consistent with our thinking and direction and engages in a variety of activities aimed at resolving social issues pertaining to the environment (including those connected with climate change and biodiversity), human rights, labor and corruption prevention. In reviewing our participation in industry associations and initiatives, we consider whether they are consistent with our business objectives, areas of focus, and business activities, and check from time to time whether there are any significant conflicts between our ideas and those of industry associations. We will consider withdrawal from the industry association if there is a wide gap between them.
UN Global Compact
The Resonac signed up to the UN Global Compact (UNGC) in July 2021. UNGC is a voluntary initiative to implement universal sustainability principles and to undertake partnerships in support of UN goals.
We declared our support for the Ten Principles of the UNGC, in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption practices and we are striving to make social contributions through business operations.
GX League
The Resonac Group supports the basic concept of the Green Transformation (GX) League. The GX League provides a group of companies that are proactively working on GX with an opportunity to collaborate and communicate with government agencies, academia and the financial sector for the green transformation of the entire economy and creation of a new market. Through the League, the Resonac Group will cooperate with a range of stakeholders to promote measures for such transformation.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)
In May 2019, the Resonac announced its support of the recommendations made by the TCFD, which had been established by the Financial Stability Board. Based on the TCFD’s recommendations, we will proactively disclose information about the impact of climate change on our business operations.
Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC)
In November 2022, Resonac joined the Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC), a SEMI-affiliated organization, as a founding member. The SCC represents the first international collaboration in the semiconductor ecosystem aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the semiconductor value chain, and the founding members support the Paris Agreement and related agreements concluded to achieve the 1.5ºC target. In keeping with the SCC's three guiding principles (collaboration, transparency, and ambitious targets), we will be setting targets and providing disclosures across the semiconductor value chain, among other endeavors. We are also a member of the Scope 1 High GWP GHG Working Group, and as such we have been pursuing efforts to reduce GHG emissions via supply chains in cooperation with other participating companies.
The Resonac Group participates in CLEAN FUEL AMMONIA ASSOCIATION. The realization of a hydrogen society is expected to contribute to mitigating global warming and improving energy security. Ammonia is the leading option for hydrogen energy carriers. Resonac is the only company in the world that has been synthesizing ammonia by utilizing low-carbon hydrogen extracted from gas produced through the process of used plastic chemical recycling for a long period of time. CFAA aims to establish a value chain that extends from the distribution of CO2-free ammonia to the use of it. The Resonac Group will also contribute to the spread of CO2-free ammonia.
Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)
The Clean Ocean Material Alliance is a public-private organization established to solve the issue of marine plastic waste, which is a new threat to the global environment. CLOMA serves as a platform for a range of parties to enhance their collaboration across industries for speedier innovation.The Resonac participates in two of the Alliance’s Working Groups (Dissemination & Promotion WG and Technology WG) and one of the working groups (WG3 on the development and practical use in society of chemical recycling technology) set under the CLOMA Action Plan. Through the Alliance we are cooperating with various stakeholders for more sustainable use of plastic products and the reduction of plastic waste.
“White Logistics” movement: Voluntary action declaration
In May 2019, the Resonac became one of the first companies in the chemical industry to make a declaration to take actions for sustainable logistics, in support of the “While Logistics” movement fostered by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Joint delivery, modal shift and other measures to increase the efficiency of transportation will directly contribute to reducing our environmental impact, in addition to helping improve the work environment in the logistics industry.
International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)
The Resonac Group has been demonstrating leadership in the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), with one of its employees serving as chair of the Council’s Energy & Climate Change Leadership Group for two years from 2020.
Japan Chemical Industry Association, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) and Japan Petrochemical Industry Association
As a member of the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA), the Resonac contributes to investigations and research concerning the production, distribution and usage of chemical products and about a range of issues faced by the chemical industry regarding technologies, labor, the environment and safety. The JCIA is working for the fulfillment of Keidanren’s Commitment to a Low Carbon Society and has set the CO2 emission reduction targets for the chemical industry.
the Resonac, as a member of Keidanren, the Japan Petrochemical Industry Association and other trade associations, is working toward solutions to environmental issues, including climate change and ocean plastic waste, in collaboration with other corporate groups. the Resonac is also striving to reduce its CO2 emissions in cooperation with the JCIA. Kohei Morikawa, Representative Director and Chairman of the Board of the Resonac, presently serves as chairman of the JCIA (as of January 2022).
The Resonac, as a member of Keidanren, the Japan Petrochemical Industry Association and other trade associations, is working toward solutions to environmental issues, including climate change and ocean plastic waste, in collaboration with other corporate groups. For other organizations to which the Resonac belongs, please refer to the collection of links.
Circular Partners(CPs)
We participated in Circular Partners (CPs) in 2023. CPs is a partnership formed to promote collaboration among industry, government and academia. It was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2023. CPs is conducting examinations regarding: (1) the formulation of a vision and roadmap; (2) the launch of a circular economy-related information distribution platform; and (3) regional circulation models. We will foster co-creation with a range of stakeholders through CPs to implement measures for the realization of a circular economy-based society.
Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Our company supports the disclosure recommendations published in September 2023 by the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), an international initiative launched in June 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the environmental NGO Global Canopy, and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). We will register as a TNFD Adopter in June 2024 and participate in the TNFD Forum.
Recognizing that conserving biodiversity is crucial for the natural resilience generated by ecosystems, we will continue our efforts and, in line with the TNFD recommendations, identify and assess nature-related issues (dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities) and proceed with information disclosure.Efforts for Preservation of Biodiversity