Human Resource Management


To enhance our corporate value, it is essential that we fully align our business strategies (portfolio strategy) with our human resource strategies. We will strive to foster a culture of co-creation unique to Resonac through the implementation of our Purpose and Values, thereby achieving further growth of our business by creating “co-creative talent*.”

  • * Co-creative talent: Human resources that can innovate and solve problems creatively through co-creation founded on autonomous bonds with people inside and outside the company in the pursuit of resolving social issues


We believe that our human resource strategies should focus on fostering co-creative talent and cultivating the associated corporate culture, and that such human resources are a wellspring of value for the Company. Committed to helping employees develop their careers with ownership, we provide them with diverse career paths and education opportunities aligned with their individual goals, while also establishing a range of systems to support them in building both internal and external networks.

Promotion system

At Resonac, the CHRO organization serves as a business partner for the Resonac Group’s management and business leaders. Through the establishment of a global personnel system and enhancement of its foundation, the organization is supporting the development of co-creative talent and the cultivation of a corporate culture conducive to co-creation, thereby helping the Group’s leaders implement its management and business strategies.
We regard our corporate philosophy (Purpose and Values) as the most important guideline to be followed by the Resonac Group in terms of uniting Group employees all around the world in the pursuit of a single shared goal. In order to help individual employees to maintain a sense of their own purpose and aspirations as well as those of their company—even in times plagued with uncertainty—the Culture Communication Department will endeavor to deepen employees’ understanding of the Purpose and Values and encourage them to make the corporate philosophy substantively their own while also working to establish a mechanism for the autonomous implementation of the philosophy.
Further, acting in accordance with our corporate philosophy will require us to secure diverse people who can add their insights to the greater collective knowledge. Based on this recognition, the Culture Communication Department will also deal with issues related to diversity & inclusion for the development of a desirable corporate culture.
Moreover, as corporate functions, the Organization & Talent Development Department is fostering global human resource management, including the dynamic mobilization of human resources, in line with business strategies and with the early selection and strategic development of core managerial talent, while the HR System Design & Labor Management Department is enhancing the management foundation by designing personnel systems, setting rules and promoting communication with diverse stakeholders.In addition, we have built and been enhancing the human resource business partner (HRBP) system for the expansion of our business value from the viewpoints of management and human resources. The HRBP will work with the top leader of each department to provide the human resources and organizational support needed to embrace various challenges and achieve growth, for which visualization will be promoted to identify candidates for the next generation of leaders. The competitiveness of personnel will also be enhanced through strategic job rotation and other means.

For the implementation of these personnel measures, the HR Operation Department will serve as a companywide supporter and lead the transformation of HR operation processes by increasing operational efficiency and promoting digitalization.

Strategy for Realizing the Long-Term Vision

Our human resources strategy, with an aim to sustainably enhance corporate value by carrying out our purpose and values, consists of four HR Materiality. These four issues are linked to our material sustainability issue of “fostering creative and autonomous human resources and cultivating the associated corporate culture” and our business strategy. Based on these four Material Issues for Human Resources that fosters co-creative human resources talent over the long term, and in the short to medium term, we will promote measures to enable co-creative talent to achieve business growth as a functional chemical manufacturer.

Issues to Be Addressed (Material Issues for Human Resources) and KGIs

Resonac’s Human Capital Management Model

Schedule for the Implementation of Personnel Measures

HR Materiality 1: Hire & Develop talent for the business

Examples of KGI/KPI

KGI/KPI 2025 Targets 2023 Results
【KGI】Future talent portfolio formation Portfolio formation for target divisions First target division formation
【KGI】Succession planning readiness rate
* Calculated by (the number of people in succession pool/the number of general managers of business units/CXO-1 and higher positions) x 100
180% 135%
Establish portfolio role models, positions, and development plans Formulate role models for target divisions First target division formation

HR Materiality 2: Become an Employer of choice

Examples of KGI/KPI

KGI/KPI 2025 Targets 2023 Results
【KGI】Employee engagement score Improved year on year 54%
Engagement survey response rate Improved year on year 83%
Rate of male employees taking childcare leave and number of days taken

Acquisition rate: 100% (non-consolidated)

Number of days: Target of 60 days or more by 2030, with no annual targets set

Acquisition rate: 100% (non-consolidated)

Number of days: 29.9 days

HR Materiality 3 : Develop self-driven professionals 

Examples of KGI/KPI

KGI/KPI 2025 Targets 2023 Results
Percentage of line  managers who participated in co-creative leadership training 90% 70%

HR Materiality 4 : Cultivate corporate culture conducive to co-creation

Examples of KGI/KPI

KGI/KPI 2025 Targets 2023 Results
【KGI】Purpose and Values implementation survey score Purpose implementation:55%
Values implementation:60%
Purpose implementation:48%
Values implementation:51%
Purpose and Values empathy survey score Purpose empathy:70%
Values empathy:75%
Purpose empathy:63%
Values empathy:64%
Positive evaluations from global award AHA!
Improved year on year 70%
Psychological safety survey score 64% (up 2% year on year) 59.5%
Inclusion safety survey score 63% (up 3% year on year) 57.1%
Ratio of female managers Consolidated in Japan: 7%
Consolidated: 13%

Non-consolidated: 6.5%
Consolidated in Japan: 5.7%
Consolidated: 12.4%

Diversity at the decision-making level Under consideration 9.8%
Employment rate of persons with disabilities 2.70% (non-consolidated) 2.50% (non-consolidated)

Global grading and evaluation system

As part of efforts to globally develop various personnel systems, particularly grading and evaluation systems, we have been taking measures to unify grades of management staff (global grades) and evaluation systems (MBO) across the entire Group.
By unifying these grade and evaluation systems, we not only established common standards for roles and evaluations across the Group, but this has also led to the global development of other personnel measures, such as talent management including succession planning and training. Furthermore, our MBO not only evaluates “results against performance targets,” but also emphasizes “action and growth,” and evaluates the degree to which values are put into practice. This has made it possible for us to promote the permeation and practice of values across the entire Resonac Group, realize human resource/performance management on a common global metric, and to establish a common foundation for human resource systems. Going forward, we will take further measures to ensure that the right person is in the right position on a Group-wide basis.