Promoting Sustainability

Sustainability Vision 2030 and Material Issues

Resonac positions sustainability as its basic management policy.  We have established the "Sustainability Vision 2030" to realize "Change society through the power of chemistry" and "Co-creative Chemical Company," and we are promoting initiatives linked to material issues for sustainability.
Resonac’s material issues consist of management issues that contribute to realizing its long-term vision in terms of both society’s expectations and degree of importance to the Company, with the Purpose as a starting point. We will work to maximize corporate value by developing an environment that fuels long-term growth while contributing to the sustainability of society and the environment.
Please see below for details.

Sustainability Vision 2030

Achieve corporate growth through the resolution of social issues

Develop into a company with like-minded partners across the world that realizes its own continuous growth and corporate value improvement, by solving social issues and offering value to society through its technologies and businesses

A company with like-minded partners throughout the world

Become a “Co-creative Chemical Company” that is the first choice of, and can choose, partners in creating a sustainable and better society, including future generations of customers, employees, investors, and stakeholders

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Sustainability Management

The CEO supervises Resonac’s sustainability and the CSuO is responsible for the promotion of sustainability. The Management Committee deliberates and decides on important items such as policies and plans and then consults with and reports to the Board of Directors.
The Sustainability Promotion Council convenes a monthly meeting that Group CXOs, including the CEO, attend, and quarterly expanded meetings, which is also attended by the business managers (BU heads), as forums for discussing wide-ranging agenda items of sustainability-related topics and fostering a common understanding. In addition, to address specific issues
with agility and on a cross-organizational basis, several projects have been established, which report to the council.
In order to link the discussions in the council to organizational operations and share them with employees, we have appointed sustainability partners (promotion managers) in the business units and CXO organizations, and we are promoting sustainability initiatives in each department while understanding the current status, issues, and interests of each unit. Moreover, by creating opportunities for horizontal communication among Sustainability Partners, we encourage active exchange of information on changes in customer requirements and other issues that transcend differences among the industries we serve.

Sustainability Promotion Council agenda for 2023

Each time, we put the emotional marks on the agenda and share thoughts on how they feel. For example, if there is something that cannot be resolved with the functions or resources of one department alone, or if we are unsure about the priority for allocating management resources, we mark it as "frustrating (MOYAMOYA)”." Those that need to be worked on without waiting are marked “exciting but nervous (DOKIDOKI)”.

Sustainability evaluation in executive compensation

We have included sustainability evaluation items in the short-term performance-linked items for executive compensation, and linked them to compensation.
Based on discussions on the roadmap to achieving non-financial KPIs linked to materialities, we evaluate each executive by setting different evaluation items for their respective areas of responsibility.
At the same time, we also set common items such as safety and successor training, and these items are designed to link with employee evaluation through management by objective (MBO).
Positioning linkage with compensation as an important measure for promoting sustainability, we will continue to consider how best to incorporate sustainability evaluation in executive performance evaluation.

Cultivation of a sustainability mindset among employees

We implement various programs to support employees in gaining the power and perspective to achieve our purpose of “change society through the power of chemistry.” We set the necessary information and communication for each level and organization, and are measuring the effectiveness of whether it leads to behavioral change. Starting in 2024, we launched the “Matsuko Channel,” in which the CSuO will broadcast monthly videos for all employees detailing the contents of the Sustainability Promotion Council and other events. Our aim is to make the current sustainability initiatives more familiar to employees by speaking directly to them in both Japanese and English. In addition, we hold “social issue meetings” and “workshops to understand Resonac through the integrated report” across departments, so that we can explore seeds of business and points of contact with society.

Matsuko's channel