Fostering Resonac’s Corporate Culture
Our progress toward the inculcation of the Purpose and Values
Specific measures for instilling Purpose and Values
1. Moyamoya Meeting — Creating an environment that facilitates psychological safety and implementation of values
Since 2023, the CEO and CHRO have been visiting business sites to hold Moyamoya Meetings where employees come together to discuss how to solve the concerns and frustrations that they face on a daily basis through our values and co-creation. In these meetings, participants give advice to each other from the perspective of the values, and propose practical solutions to these problems. Upper management and plant managers subsequently make decisions whether to adopt the solutions, then and there. The purpose of these meetings is to (1) ensure psychological safety so that they can openly speak their mind, and (2) encourage employees to take action based on the values to solve problems.
2. Purpose Exploration Cafe — Exploring personal purpose and its connection to Resonac through dialogue
In 2023, we held value-based discussions (in Moyamoya Meetings). In addition to this, in 2024 we have been holding “Purpose Exploration Cafe” in order to foster a sense of personal connection with our purpose, thereby facilitating autonomy among our employees. Participants delve more deeply into their true values by reflecting on their past and receiving feedback from others through dialogue. This helps them to gain an awareness of their own purpose as well as a deeper sense of purpose. The workshops also aim to provide an opportunity for employees to think about the overlap between Resonac’s purpose and their own purpose, thereby encouraging them to take the first step toward achieving our purpose.
3. Global award AHA! — Promoting the implementation of values
We are implementing AHA! (Awards of Harmony), a global award that all Resonac Group employees can submit preliminary entries to. Cross-organizational teams establish declarations of action based on our Purpose and Values, set targets and concrete initiatives, and submit entries themselves. Afterwards, during the team exchange event, screening, and the award ceremony for the winning team, we aim to discuss our experiences of the values practiced in the challenge and empathize with each other. This will serve as a valuable stimulus for further practicing these values and fostering “co-creation” beyond the framework of the program. In fiscal 2023, 921 teams from 11 countries participated (totaling about 11,500 employees) in the AHA! award, sharing many experiences of implementation of values.
POINT 01Opportunities for personal growth
POINT 02A connection of equals
AHA! Meeting 2023
Screening events were carried out for the 921 participating teams, of which 13 teams were selected for Gold Awards, 36 for Silver Awards, and four for Progress Awards. The AHA! Meeting held in March brought together around 300 people, including the award-winning teams, executive officers, and other related parties to award the winning teams, praise them, and share their activities.
Gold Award winner (1)【Declaration】We want to further inculcate the values in Oita!
At the Oita Petrochemical Complex in the Olefins and Derivatives business, the team worked to improve awareness, understanding, and implementation of the Purpose and Values.
Under the keywords of “Agile & Flexible” and “Open Minds & Open Connections,” members from various departments of the Oita Petrochemical Complex gathered to plan and implement unique value inculcation activities that had not been conducted at the complex before, such as broadcasting a video message from the complex representative, holding an exchange meeting attended by all departments, and creating a mascot character. The results of the post-implementation questionnaire showed that the awareness and understanding of the Purpose and Values had increased from about 50% to 80%.
Gold Award winner (2)【Declaration】We want to co-create with customers and realize next-generation technology!
Resonac Korea’s sales team received orders for CMP slurry for next-generation products by accelerating co-creation with customers.
We need to listen to customers’ needs for next-generation products and technological trends for front-end semiconductor materials, and incorporate them into the development of Resonac products. The team demonstrated the two values of “Passionate & Results-Driven” and “Solid Vision & Solid Integrity” to listen to customer needs and also rapidly reflect them in product development. This is the result of communication activities with customers as well as the development team
Positive evaluations from AHA! participants
Engagement survey — Fixed-point observation of the penetration of Purpose and Values
Resonac regularly conducts engagement surveys focused on listening to employees’ voices in a timely manner and utilizing them in management through various measures.
Following the engagement survey conducted before the integration of the two companies (2021), issues such as empathy with the corporate philosophy, ensuring psychological safety, and job satisfaction were raised. Therefore, we have implemented various measures to address these issues, including the following.
Examples of implemented measures
In the 2023 survey, the response rate improved from 63% to 83% compared to the 2021 survey, indicating a rise in employee interest toward the engagement survey. Furthermore, the positive response rate for psychological safety, which we are placing importance on, rose from 51% to 60%. On the other hand, the score for engagement itself remains at 50%, the same level as the previous survey. Based on the results of our survey analysis, we have set the following four companywide priorities and plan to make continued efforts for improvement.
Regarding the inculcation of our corporate philosophy, which we consider important, degree of empathy for our purpose and our values increased significantly from 47% to 63%, and 51% to 64%, respectively. We will continue our efforts to improve the inculcation of our Purpose and Values.
TOPICSCross-Departmental Collaboration Initiatives (REBLUC)
As an example of practicing a co-creation culture, we have established an internal community called Resonac Blue Creators (commonly known as REBLUC) to implement and expand specific actions aimed at achieving our purpose of "changing society through the power of chemistry." In REBLUC, members with diverse backgrounds engage in repeated dialogues to proactively reconsider and refine the purposes they wish to achieve. Additionally, they work on cross-departmental collaborations to propose new business ideas and improvement activities, and also promote co-creation activities with external parties beyond the framework of the company.
In 2023, 36 employees participated, and those who took part in the initiative have positively influenced the people around them.