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-A new brand expanding the "Circle of Circulation" toward a sustainable future-
Strengthening technology development for package substrates, accelerating R&D by Japanese and American companies
Resonac, No.1 semiconductor back-end process materials
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We in Resonac propose various effective solutions for the problem-solving in manufacturing and technology development.
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- Solution
Resonac’s RF module substrate “HS200 (D)” features low Dk, low Df, low CTE, and high Tg. With a lower Dk than conventional models, this can be thinned and multilayered to realize smaller modules.
- Solution
Resonac’s PCBN is sintered material with both hardness and fracture resistance. It contributes to extend tool life by reducing occurrence of sudden chipping during lathe machining of stiff objects.
- Solution
Resonac’s low-melting glass contains no substances restricted by the EU’s RoHS Directive and enables sealing at low temperatures, thereby contributing to reduced energy consumption in manufacturing of vacuum insulated glass.