パワー半導体向けSiC材料についてInfineon Technologiesとの提携関係を強化
株式会社レゾナック(社長:髙橋 秀仁)は、パワー半導体分野におけるグローバル企業であるInfineon Technologies AG(ドイツ、以下、インフィニオン社)とこの度、SiCパワー半導体に使用されるSiC材料について、新たな複数年の供給・協力契約を締結し、2021年に締結した販売および共同開発契約*1 を補完・拡大することで提携関係を強化します。
本提携によりインフィニオン社の有する幅広いパワー半導体製品への採用拡大が期待でき、当社は150mm(6インチ)の供給に加え、200mm(8インチ)の製品供給を計画しています。また当社はインフィニオン社との開発活動を拡充することでSiCエピウエハーの技術改善、品質向上を加速します。 両社の提携強化は、新しい半導体材料であるSiC市場の急速な成長とSiCパワー半導体サプライチェーンの安定化に貢献するものです。
*1 2021年5月6日発表「パワー半導体向けSiCエピタキシャルウェハーについて Infineon Technologiesと販売および共同開発契約を締結」
Infineon and Resonac announce the expansion of their cooperation and a new multi-year agreement for delivery of silicon carbide (SiC) materials
Munich, Germany – 12 January 2023 – Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) is extending its cooperation with silicon carbide (SiC) suppliers. The German-based semiconductor manufacturer has signed a new multi-year-supply and cooperation agreement with Resonac Corporation (formerly Showa Denko K.K.), complementing and expanding the announcement of 2021. The new set of contracts will deepen the long-term partnership on SiC material. According to the agreement, Resonac will supply Infineon with SiC materials for the production of SiC semiconductors, covering a double-digit share of the forecasted demand for the next decade. While the initial phase focuses on 6" SiC material supply, Resonac will also support Infineon’s transition to 8" wafer-diameter during the later years of the agreement. As part of the cooperation, Infineon will provide Resonac with intellectual property relating to SiC material technologies. The Infineon - Resonac partnership contributes to supply chain stability and will support the rapid growth of the emerging semiconductor material SiC.
”The demand for SiC is growing rapidly and we are preparing for this development with a significant expansion of our manufacturing capacities," said Angelique van der Burg, Chief Procurement Officer at Infineon. "We are pleased to deepen our collaboration with Resonac and strengthen the partnership between our two companies."
"The business opportunities in the area of renewable energy generation and storage, electromobility and infrastructure are enormous for the years to come. Infineon is doubling down on its investments into SiC technology and product portfolio, to proliferate the most comprehensive product offering to its customers. We are very happy that our partnership with Resonac will strongly support our market-leading position," said Peter Wawer, President of Infineon’s Industrial Power Control division.
"We are pleased to team-up with Infineon as a global leader in power semiconductors in order to meet the growing demand for SiC in the years to come. We will continuously improve our Best-in-Class SiC material and develop the next generation of 8" wafer technology. We value Infineon as an excellent partner in this regard," said Jiro Ishikawa, Executive Adviser of Device Solutions Business Unit at Resonac.
Infineon is currently expanding its SiC manufacturing capacity in order to reach a market share of 30 percent by the end of the decade. Infineon’s SiC manufacturing capacity is about to increase tenfold by 2027. A new plant in Kulim is scheduled to start production in 2024. Today, Infineon already provides SiC semiconductors to more than 3,600 customers worldwide.
About Infineon
Infineon Technologies AG is a global semiconductor leader in power systems and IoT. Infineon drives decarbonization and digitalization with its products and solutions. The company has around 56,200 employees worldwide and generated revenue of about €14.2 billion in the 2022 fiscal year (ending 30 September). Infineon is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: IFX) and in the USA on the OTCQX International over-the-counter market (ticker symbol: IFNNY).
Further information is available at www.infineon.com
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