Moisture-Proof Insulating Materials for Display Circuits
TUFFY Series
About the product
Resonac’s silicone-free insulation coating materials protect the connections of display peripheral circuits and prevent electrode corrosion caused by moisture absorption, thereby contributing to higher device reliability.
Inquiry of this product
- Protects circuits from moisture with low moisture permeability.
- Low ionic impurities and high insulation reliability.
- Inhibits electrode corrosion even under high-temperature, high-humidity conditions.
- Excellent workability with short curing time and repairability.
- Selectable solvent volatilizing and UV curing types based on applications and curing processes.
*Curing conditions are recommended examples. Please check the coating conditions, curing devices, and environment.
Migration resistance
Resonac’s materials provide superior moisture-proof properties with no electrode corrosion detected even after 300 hours of exposure to high temperature and humidity.
Testing conditions
- ITO electrode (line/space = 35 μm/15 μm)
- Coating thickness: 100 μm
- High-temperature, high-humidity conditions: 60℃ /90% RH, DC10 V applied
Observation of electrode corrosion in ITO electrode comb patterns
Changes in insulation resistance
Inquiry of this product