Occupational Health and Safety - Management System


Safety qualifies us to remain in the manufacturing business. The Resonac Group will work as one to build a safety infrastructure and safety culture, and globally promote safety activities to eliminate occupational accidents.


In accordance with its basic policy of “safety as our top priority,” Resonac aims to ensure the safety and health of all workers, including employees, subcontractors, contractors and other partners, and to create workplaces where they can work with peace of mind. In 2023, we established a new safety code of conduct and 10 safety principles for managers and employees and have been raising awareness of these rules globally through e-learning and other means. By applying these rules in keeping with position-based responsibilities, we will engage in safe operating practices and pursue activities to achieve zero accidents.

「Safety Code of Conduct for Employees」

  1. 1. We give first priority to safety when taking action.
  2. 2. We observe applicable laws, regulations and rules in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents and injuries.
  3. 3. We engage in safe operations, following the procedures established for each process.
  4. 4. We endeavor to develop knowledge and skills concerning safety, and engage in safer operations.
  5. 5. We endeavor to create a safe and secure workplace by promoting sound and active communication.

「10 Safety Rules」

  1. 1. conduct “KY” (hazard prediction) and confirm safety by “Pointing & Calling”. * (K: Kiken (hazard), Y: Yochi (prediction))
  2. 2. strictly observe all safety standards and operations in the workplace.
  3. 3. immediately report any problems to my/our supervisors.
  4. 4. not to touch any rotating parts that are in motion.
  5. 5. perform inspections of machinery and safety equipment without fail.
  6. 6. use protective equipment, tools and machinery as directed.
  7. 7. properly handle high-pressure gas, hazardous/toxic materials, and electricity as directed.
  8. 8. follow standard procedures and weight limits for loading, transfer & storage of materials.
  9. 9. give clear signals and voices to each other for conrmation when working in a group.
  10. 10. keep my/our workplace clean and organized based on “5S”. *(Seiri: sort, Seiton: set in order, Seiso: shine, Seiketsu: standardize, Shitsuke: sustain the discipline.)

Promotion system

The president of Resonac Holdings Corporation assumes ultimate responsibility for the Group’s occupational health and safety. Under the leadership of the president, each of the divisions and sites appoints their own environment & safety managers to conduct health and safety management activities, receiving support from the administrative departments of the head office. Basically every other week, the Management Committee is briefed on safety-related activities of the Group and gives relevant instructions, which will be conveyed to the divisions and sites for implementation. Moreover, at each site, the head of the site and the environment & safety manager lead occupational health and safety activities based on their Environment and safety action plans.

The Labor-Management Committee, which is composed of the president and other executives as well as representatives of the labor union, meets to discuss issues related to occupational health and safety. Also, in line with the Industrial Safety and Health Act of Japan, each of our sites has a safety and health committee and other organizations in place to conduct safety and health activities for employees through a concerted effort by labor and management, such as discussing the related issues and conducting workplace patrols.

Implementation of occupational health and safety management systems

The Resonac Group is managing and reducing occupational accident-related risks posed to its business management in an appropriate manner by using occupational health and safety management systems, for which the Group is promoting the acquisition of certification and fostering improvements. We have these management systems regularly assessed by external certification bodies to keep them up to date. Moreover, the systems are implemented at each site through a PDCA cycle to further promote the related activities.

Strategy for Realizing the Long-Term Vision

Roadmap for 2030

  Vision for the future
Issues to be addressed Results in 2023 Plans for 2024
Fostering of a culture emphasizing
A mutual-enlightenment
safety culture has been
instilled based on
leadership from the top
Issues to be addressed (long term)
  • Targeting zero occupational accidents and accidents by training our personnel to have high safety awareness and skills
Recent issues and problem awareness
  • Establishing Resonac’s safety culture and infrastructure
  • Clarifying the requirements for a zero-accident and zero-disaster workplace and building the means to achieve it
  • Held exchange meetings and global activity presentations for learning about initiatives at other business sites
  • Rolled out the Safety Communication Program (SCP*)
  • Incorporated safety activities into evaluation system
  • Incorporate safety performance in executive
  • Implement safety declarations, bonuses for
    actions, and positive evaluations for performance
  • Expand and enhance Safety Communication
    Program (SCP) activities
Establishment of safety infrastructure Globally consistent
risk-based safety
management system is
working effectively to
prevent accidents and
  • Started operation of the
    environmental and safety
    management system integrating
    process safety
  • Clarified the requirements for the
    safety data management system
  • Develop global safety standards and safety
  • Build an environmental and safety support
Invigoration of safety activities All employees maintain
high safety sensitivity
and skills and all sites
actively carry out safety
  • Started building safety model lines
    and creating guidelines for safety
  • Conducted training sessions on our
    safety code of conduct and 10 safety
  • Analyze accident-free and disaster-free sites and develop best practices
  • Use safety model lines to create  opportunities for improvement and learning
  • Promote mutual enlightenment activities between manufacturing sites for raising safety awareness
  • SCP (Safety Communication Program): A mutual enlightenment activity where managers and supervisors
    carry out site patrols, flag unsafe behavior while praising good behavior, and resolve issues together.

Non-financial KPI Results and Targets

Resonac regards sustainability as the basis for its companywide strategies and has set three material issues for sustainability. Accordingly, for occupational health and safety, we will work on the non-financial KPIs and measures that were set to “Gain credibility through responsible business management” toward the achievement of our long-term vision.

Key items (KPIs) 2025 Targets 2023 Results
Fostering of a culture
emphasizing safety
Establishment of a culture emphasizing
safety to eliminate occupational accidents
  • Implementation of Safety Communication
    Program (SCP) at all domestic plants and
    locations in China as a program aimed at
    nurturing a safety culture of mutual
  • Incorporating safety activities into evaluation
  • Sharing of good practices and presenting
    awards at the Global Safety Activities
Number of occupational
Serious occupational accidents (consolidated,
including partner companies): 0
Serious occupational accident (consolidated,
including partner companies): 1
Lost time incident rate 0.1 or less (consolidated in Japan) 0.36 (consolidated in Japan)
Number of equipmentrelated
Serious equipment-related accidents: 0
Serious equipment-related accidents: 1

Occupational health and safety education

We deem it urgently necessary to increase the safety awareness of managers, supervisors and workers in order to eliminate industrial accidents as well as to prevent the retirement and turnover of experienced employees from resulting in any degradation in safety and environmental management at our sites. Accordingly, we make and implement annual safety education plans for each of our sites and check learning levels. We also give support for the educational curriculum of our partner companies in a planned manner toward the elimination of industrial accidents at those companies. The following shows the occupational safety-related training provided by the head office in Japan. Those participating in the training from various sites make use of what they have learned through the training to conduct safety activities at their respective workplaces.

Number of participants in the occupational health and safety training provided by the head office in Japan in 2023

Date Name Target No. of participants
March and September (held twice) 2023 ISO 14001 Training for Internal Auditors Applicants from plants 56
April and October (held twice) 2023 ISO 45001 Training for Internal Auditors Applicants from plants 59
May 2023 SCP Training Seminar Environmental and safety managers 72
May and November 2023 Training Seminar on Environmental and Safety Laws and Regulations Applicants from plants 180
November and December (held twice) 2023 Skills Training for Team Leaders Team leaders including candidates 43

TOPICSHeld regional exchange meetings

In 2023, we held meetings to enable environmental and safety managers at Resonac’s head office to interact with their counterparts at local plants in North and Central America and the Greater China and ASEAN regions. The meetings provided participants with an opportunity to get acquainted with one another, share good examples and compare problems.
