CTO Roundtable with Young Researchers
Creating Innovation through Co-creation and Synergy while Leading Resonac as It Competes on the Global Stage

(From the left of the photo) Masato Fukushima: Corporate Officer and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Keisuke Mameda: Cross Functional Group, Functional Molecular Chemistry Research Department, Institute for Polymer Technology (work location: Kawasaki Plant)
Mao Owada: Next-Generation High-Speed Communications Materials Group, Stage for Co-creation (work location: Stage for Co-creation)
Kohsuke Kakuda: Informatics Group, Research Center for Computational Science and Informatics (work location: Stage for Co-creation
Yuzuru Kobayashi: Structural Control Group, Device Materials Research Department, Institute for Advanced Integrated Technology (work location: Shimodate Plant)
(The dialogue was held in the Resonac conference room on June 19, 2023.)
Shared language required for co-creation and synergy
Resonac aims to achieve innovation and business development capabilities that contribute to a sustainable global society. Innovation does not necessarily have to be destructive. When we look at what we have accumulated so far from a different perspective, or when we add something like beauty to a certain function, it can suddenly turn into innovation. As a chemical manufacturer, we want to create important technologies for products that make end users think, “Wow, this is innovative.” What do all of you think is necessary to bring about innovation?
I think that the ability to keep up with cutting-edge technology, the ability to incorporate what you have learned into your own technology and implement it, and cocreation are necessary. At the Research Center for Computational Science and Informatics at the Stage for Co-creation, I mainly develop AI technology and use it to develop semiconductor materials. So far, I have managed to cut the development period by half and formulate an experiment policy using AI technology. Since the Stage for Co-creation consolidates internal research functions and domestic and overseas knowledge, I feel that it is easy for a chain reaction to occur in which innovation by AI technology leads to further innovation.

At the Institute for Advanced Integrated Technology, I am currently working with development departments to develop next-generation substrate materials by utilizing the technological synergies of the former Showa Denko K.K. and the former Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. When it comes to synergy, I sometimes think that there is still a lack of a shared language due to differences in backgrounds. I think that a shared language involves those in charge sharing the technologies and expertise that they have cultivated thus far, and spreads a common understanding of what must be done to create products that satisfy customers. I believe that cultivating this kind of shared understanding will lead to new discoveries and spark innovation.
I would also like to make full use of the synergy of our in-house technologies. The mission of the Next-Generation High-Speed Communications Materials Group, to which I belong, is to develop materials and technologies for composite materials that will be used in the telecommunications field in the 2030s. We are co-creating with the Analysis Center for Materials Science and the Research Center for Computational Science and Informatics from the perspective of establishing analysis methods and predicting properties through simulations. I sometimes think that a shared language would increase the speed of sharing each other’s cultures and improve the speed of R&D.

I believe that understanding customer needs is essential for innovation. I am in charge of an internal collaboration theme that deals with the development of low-thermalexpansion resins that aim to reduce the warpage of copper clad laminates. In the development theme that I was in charge of before, I regretted that I might not have fully grasped the needs of external customers. Currently, there are related parties and customers in the company, which makes it is easier to understand customers and their future needs. In order to deepen mutual understanding, we are promoting hands-on and face-to-face initiatives, such as creating data sharing sites with our partners and receiving two-week practical training at our partners’ locations.
With the merging of the former Showa Denko K.K. and the former Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd., there should be opportunities to create new innovation in the process of understanding each other’s cultures and finding inspiration to create one single culture. To that end, how we go about creating a shared language is both important and challenging. I believe that establishing a shared language starts with discussing the needs of customers and society and what we must do to meet them.
Synergy starts with real communication
In order to deepen discussion, I feel that it is important to connect key people. In addition, I think it is important to connect others with your own abilities and knowledge.
I feel the same way. When I think about co-creation and synergy, I feel that although connections are currently being formed between divisions, there is still a lack of people who truly understand each other’s positions and act accordingly. Resonac possesses computational science technology in addition to material manufacturing and composite technology, and I look forward to what kind of leaps will be made when these three strengths come together.

I think that, to date, there are many technologies that have not been commercialized, and I would like to create a system that promotes the sharing of such knowledge and utilizes it on a person-in-charge basis.
Co-creation that deepens empathy
Since its creation, I have been participating in an in-house circle called “Dhemical,” which was voluntarily set up by young employees. In this circle, I belong to a team that considers and researches ideas for new product themes, and I have been involved in this for about three years. Resonac now has an environment that encourages such activities. I feel that this is symbolic of the new Resonac, in the sense that it will lead to co-creation, synergy, and innovation.
I have been participating in “REBLUC (Resonac Blue Creators)", a new system that began in 2022. REBLUC is a purpose-driven thinking community that started to elicit mutual understanding, where the passions and senses of purpose of each and every employee, such as the desire to change society or contribute to the world, overlap. For example, even if I wanted to solve a problem that I had set myself, or wanted to make friends to start a new business, I wouldn’t have known how to go about doing that with the conventional systems within the company. I feel that REBLUC is a good system that allows everyone to start thinking of such things more lightly and openly.

I believe that creating a culture that facilitates the creation of new businesses will benefit the company both internally and externally. By succeeding with a new business, one can become a pioneer, which leads to motivation. By establishing ourselves as a pioneer, excellent human resources will gather at Resonac, where innovation and further new business development will become possible.
To Resonac engineers competing on the global stage
The process of growth is important, including what kind of career you all choose to pursue, be it in research, development, manufacturing, sales, or something else. Whether you become a specialist as a researcher, or a generalist after experiencing several positions, I would like for you all to enjoy such decisions as part of figuring out your careers. The company is in the process of designing a human resource development system that allows such career choices.
Ten years have passed since I joined the company. I have been thinking about whether I should build a career as an engineer going forward, or whether I should gain experience in another division. In order to change society through the power of chemistry, I honestly think it would be wonderful if we could create an environment where everyone can proceed as they wish and fully demonstrate their individual strengths.
Creating such an environment is essential. In R&D, I would like to develop human resources who can think strategically. People who can draw a roadmap for investment, personnel, scheduling, etc. when they want to develop new materials.